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Black Diamond Coal Company
Black Diamond No. 2 Mine Explosion

Drakesboro, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky
December 18, 1928
No. Killed - 6

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.1 Mb) PDF Format

An explosion occurred in this mine about one hour and forty-five minutes after the night shift had started to work.  There were eleven men in the mine, six of whom were killed and the balance escaped unassisted.  It is believed that the explosion was caused by a body of gas that had been liberated from caving rooms in the 5 west 4 north entry.

Recover Bodies of Six Mine Victims
Athens Messenger, Ohio
December 20, 1928

Drakesboro, Ky., Dec. 20. -- (UP) -- Relatives today claimed the bodies of the six miners who were killed in a cave-in and explosion in the Black Diamond Coal Company Mine, near here, Tuesday night.

The bodies were recovered by rescue crews late last night, after they spent the day valiantly digging through the debris, spurred on by the hope that the miners were still alive.

The victims are:
  • James Sullivan, mine foreman
  • Leonard Eppley, coal digger
  • Arthus Davis, coal digger
  • Roy Ezell, motorman
  • V. Nelson, drillman
  • Cleveland Bolin, drillman
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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