united states mine rescue association
All Mine Disasters in the United States
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View the Mine Disaster CalendarCounty:  Pittsburg County, OK   (Display in Fatality Order)

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Or View From These Lists: Only Coal Disasters Metal/Nonmetal Disasters
Date Mine Name Location Mineral Disaster Cause Killed Report
01/17/1945 Bond Valley View the planets for this day Haileyville, OK Bituminous Explosion 9
10/27/1930 Wheatley No. 4 View the planets for this day McAlester, OK Bituminous Explosion 30 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
12/17/1929 Old Town View the planets for this day McAlester, OK Bituminous Explosion 61 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
06/30/1919 Alderson No. 5 View the planets for this day Alderson, OK Bituminous Explosion 15
09/04/1914 Union No. 1 View the planets for this day Adamson, OK Bituminous Roof Fall 13
03/20/1912 San Bois No. 2 View the planets for this day McCurtain, OK Bituminous Explosion 73 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
10/21/1909 Rock Island No. 8 View the planets for this day Hartshorne, OK Bituminous Explosion 10 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
08/26/1908 Hailey-Okla No. 1 View the planets for this day Haileyville, OK Bituminous Fire 29 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/12/1903 Central Slope No. 77 View the planets for this day Carbon, OK Bituminous Explosion 6
01/13/1902 Milby and Dow View the planets for this day Dow, OK Bituminous Fire 10
12/28/1901 McAlester No. 1 View the planets for this day Hartshorne, OK Bituminous Hoisting 6
04/29/1901 McAlester No. 5 View the planets for this day Alderson, OK Bituminous Explosives 6
01/04/1897 Alderson No. 1 View the planets for this day Alderson, OK Bituminous Explosion 5
03/13/1893 Choctaw View the planets for this day Alderson, OK Bituminous Explosion 9
01/07/1892 Osage No. 11 View the planets for this day Krebs, OK Bituminous Explosion 100 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster
04/04/1887 Old Savanna No. 2 View the planets for this day Savanna, OK Bituminous Explosion 18 Download an Investigation Report for this Disaster

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