The Explosion
Hamilton Daily Republican, Ohio
July 25, 1892
Pottsville, Pa., July 25. -- The list of victims of Saturday's explosion of gas at York Farm Colliery has increased to fifteen dead and one momentarily expected to breathe his last. Thus not one of the men working in the vicinity of where the explosion occurred will be able to tell the tale of the disaster excepting Llewellyn, the man who first noticed the presence of gas and the unusual running of coal, and who, by strictly complying with colliery rule, had gone to inform the fire boss of these unusual indications, and thus was absent from the vicinity of the explosion.
His story is that he and his "buddy," Christian Hornicker, whose body still lies in the mine, had fired a shot with a battery to breast No. 1 of the second lift and immediately there was a strong rush of gas and run of coal. This gas rushed up the stairway connecting the first and second lifts, and was ignited, it is supposed by one of the safety lamps that was either upset and broken or faulty, and the terrible explosion followed, whereby the men working in the immediate vicinity were affected as above mentioned, and the gangways filled with fallen rock, coal and timber, covering the bodies of some of the men. All the bodies have been recovered, except Harrison and Hornicker, and it is expected that they will be brought to the surface before Monday morning.
The complete list of the victims, all of whom are now dead but one, follows:
George Krise, of Middle Creek, 21 years, single, laborer
William M. Jones, Minersville, 17 years, door boy
William H. Weyman, Minersville, 31 years, wife and several children, miner
Anthony Putlavitch, Pottsville, 30 years, wife and one child, miner
Herman Werner, St. Clair, 45 years, wife and large family, miner
Thomas Jones, Minersville, 25 years, wife and four children, miner
Anthony Stock, Yorkville, 16 years, single, laborer
Henry Madara, Pottsville, 31 years, wife and five children, miner
Edward Curran, Mt. Laffee, 33 years, wife and two children, miner
Thomas F. Landers, Pottsville, 27 years, wife and one child, laborer
Robert Allott, Pottsville, 42 years, wife and eight children, miner
C. D. Allott, Pottsville, 17 years, single, laborer
James Hartsoll, Lewellyn, 37 years, wife and one child, mine carpenter
John Harrison, Wadesville, 39 years, wife and three children, fire boss
Christian Hornicker, 30 years, St. Clair, miner, wife and three children
George Stock, Yorkville, 22 years, recently married
Of the above Henry Madara, Thomas Landers, Robert and Charles Allott and Edward Curran, who were still living when taken from the mine, died since Sunday evening.