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Victor-American Fuel Company
Wadge Mine Explosion

Mt. Harris, Routt County, Colorado
January 27, 1942
No. Killed - 34

Bureau of Mines Investigation Report PDF Format
From the Google News Archives: External Link
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Successful Rescue

Four miners who were working nearer the entrance were rescued after an undisclosed period.  These men included Joe Gall, Bill Fickle, Elmer Everson and Mike Atansoff.

Mine Blast Snuff Out Lives of 34
Pulaski Southwest Times, Virginia
January 27, 1942

Mount Harris, Colo., (AP) -- Thirty-four miners perished in an explosion in the Victor American Fuel Company coal mine late last night.  Only four men escaped alive.

Blackdamp, deadly carbon dioxide gas, filled the shaft after the blast and impeded the work of rescue crews, unable to reach the victims for nearly six hours.

Bill Fickle, one of the men rescued, said the four heard a "dull thud from way back in the hole.  In a second we smelled smoke and ran for the air shaft."

Thirty volunteer workers set up an improvised morgue at Liberty Hall, the old opera house at Mount Harris, to receive the bodies after they are brought to the snow-covered surface.

Nearly every family in this small mining community 200 miles northwest of Denver had relatives employed in the mine.

Mine Superintendent Henry Johnson said the 34 men were trapped about 5,500 feet inside the tunnel of the mine, which slopes at an angle of about 10 degrees into Mount Harris.

The four who escaped were working nearer the entrance.  They heard the blast and fled.

Rescue crews fought the suffocating gas with huge blowers, forcing air into the mine and sucking the fumes out.

The miners' families rushed to the pit from their homes in the surrounding towns of Craig, Hayden and Steamboat Springs, but were advised to return to their homes.

Ambulances and hearses were called from all surrounding towns, and State Mine Inspector Thomas Allen left for the scene from Denver immediately.

The four who were rescued alive were Joe Gall, Bill Fickle, Elmer Everson and Mike Atansoff.

Victims of the Wadge Mine Explosion at Mt. Harris:
  1. Antonio Adame, 42, Mt. Harris
  2. Plutaco Adame, 45, Mt. Harris
  3. Charles Baker, 37, Craig
  4. Leo Beck, 43, Steamboat Springs
  5. H. Truman Been, 37, Mt. Harris
  6. Fred W. Blount, 50, Mt. Harris
  7. Max Bustos, 65, Mr. Harris
  8. Ralph Cable, 30, Hayden
  9. Ross Cable, 35, Hayden
  10. Raymond Cable, 38, Hayden
  11. S. Pete Cretonne, 51, Mt. Harris
  12. Don Ford, 25, Craig
  13. Jack Gasperich, 42, Craig
  14. Phillip Gonzalez, 50, Mt. Harris
  15. Joe A. Goodrich, 40, Craig
  16. Harvey Hardin, 46, Mt. Harris
  17. H. H. Hartman, 47, Mt. Harris
  1. Elmer Hindman, 40 Hayden
  2. E. Ken Hockman, 32, Mt. Harris
  3. Joe Martinek, 55, Mt. Harris
  4. Tom McKnight, 54, Mt. Harris
  5. Harrison G. Moore, 29, Mt. Harris
  6. Robert Nance, 46, Mt. Harris
  7. Harry Oliver, 55, Mt. Harris
  8. Raymond Pope, 21, Craig
  9. George Searles, 40, Mt. Harris
  10. Joe Sertic, 50, Mt. Harris
  11. Frank Sheperd, 33, Craig
  12. Tony Skufca, 39, Mt. Harris
  13. Timoth Trujillo, 26, Mt. Harris
  14. Arthur Van Cleave, 34, Steamboat Springs
  15. Adrian Vriezema, 21, Mt. Harris
  16. Charles Vukoman, 49, Mt. Harris
  17. George H. Ward, 44, Steamboat Springs
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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