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United Coal Mining
United Coal No. 1 Mine Explosion

Christopher, Franklin County, Illinois
July 27, 1915
No. Killed - 9

8 Die in Mine Explosion
Daily Free Press, Carbondale, Illinois
July 28, 1915

Christopher, Ill., July 28. -- Eight men were killed, eight seriously wounded and a dozen slightly hurt by a gas explosion in the United Coal Mining Company Mine No. 1, one-fourth of a mile east of Christopher, Franklin County.

The explosion took place in the sixth, southeast entry, where more than 100 men were working.

The cause of the explosion is not known.

Official list of the dead:
  • Mike Carsega, miner, age 25, single.
  • Alphose Dufour, miner, age 20, single.
  • Eiteure Dufour, miner, age 55, married, leaves a widow and two children.
  • George Genitias, miner, age 45, married, leaves a widow and two children.
  • William Good , miner, age 55, married, leaves a widow and one child.
  • Frank Gramoski, miner, age 45s, married, leaves a widow and five children.
  • John Parks, miner, age 55, single.
  • Everett Swafford, miner, age 45, married,leaves a widow and four children.
  • Julius Takaco, miner, age 38, married,leaves a widow.
Source document PDF Format

As soon as the accident was reported rescue corps were formed by employees of the mine and the first of the injured were brought to the surface.

Members of the State Mine Rescue Corps arrived in automobiles from Benton and took charge of the rescue work.

The injured were removed to their homes and the Zeigler Hospital after receiving first aid treatment at the mines.  All bodies have been removed from the mine.

Note: The official number of dead assigned to this disaster was 9.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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