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Stearns Coal Company
Barthell No. 1 Mine Explosion

Stearns, McCreary County, Kentucky
February 8, 1910
No. Killed - 6

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.0 Mb) PDF Format
See also: Stearns No. 1 Mine Explosion, Apr. 20, 1904

Explosion in Kentucky Mine Had Bad Result
Lawrence Journal World, Kansas
February 9, 1910

Stearns, Ky., Feb. 9. -- An explosion in Mine No. 1, of the Stearns Coal Company, today killed six men outright.  It is thought the victims ran into a pocket of gas which ignited when it came in contact with their lamps.

The casualties were:
  • Fred Compton
  • G. W. King
  • Albert Thrasher
  • Edward Thrasher
  • Elihu Grundy
  • Benjamin Grundy
  • John Troxell
None of the other workmen in the mine were injured.  The explosion took place in one of the innermost recesses of the workings and expended its force upon the men in the immediate vicinity.  Hoisting machinery was not damaged and no difficulty was experienced in recovering the bodies.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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