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Sesser Coal Company
Sesser No. 1 Mine Fire

Sesser, Franklin County, Illinois
March 15, 1916
No. Killed - 0

Successful Rescue

95 miners were rescued from behind a barricade two hours after a fire in the Sesser mine in Illinois.  There were no fatalities in this incident.  Source document PDF Format

Fire broke out in the Sesser No. 1 mine in Sesser, Illinois on March 15, 1916, and 95 men partly bratticed themselves in the main northwest entry adjoining Nos. 11 and 12 panels.  The mine manager was in this section of the mine and succeeded in keeping the men there.

Later developments proved that a number of the men would have been lost if he had permitted them leave.  All the men were led to safety about 2 hours later.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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