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Colorado Collieries Company
Satanic Mine Fire

Morrison, Jefferson County, Colorado
December 13, 1921
No. Killed - 6

Colorado Final Investigation Report  (1.1 Mb) PDF Format
1921 Colorado Coal Mine Fatalities  (2.9 Mb) PDF Format
In the News
News icon Fort Collins Coloradoan, Dec. 14, 1921
News icon Grand Forks Herald, Dec. 14, 1921
News icon Lincoln Nebraska State Journal, Dec. 14, 1921
News icon The Jackson News, Dec. 14, 1921
News icon Pueblo Indicator, Dec. 17, 1921

Rescuer Death

"Six men were killed by firedamp in the Satanic coal mine of the Colorado Collieries Company, when they attempted to place a bulkhead on the 100-foot level of an abandoned shaft, used as an air course, to stop a fire.

The only man brought to the surface, apparently still alive, was Eugene F. Bovie, Sr., of Morrison, father of a young miner, who was overcome when he attempted to rescue his son."

Ed. Note: Cause of death was more likely carbon monoxide poisoning.

Miners that died in the incident include:
  • William Jones, 45
  • Garry E. Dunn, 37
  • Louis Golob, 27
  • Louis Dorrigatti, 43
  • Eugene F. Bovie, Sr., 50
  • Eugene F. Bovie, Jr., 25
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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