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Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company
Raleigh-Wyoming No. 2 Mine Hoisting Disaster

Glen Rogers, Wyoming County, West Virginia
September 23, 1922
No. Killed - 5

USBM Final Investigation Report PDF Format
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5 Miners Killed
The Lima News, Ohio
September 25, 1922

Charleston, W. Va., -- (United Press) -- Officials of the Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company today were without details of the accident at the Glen Rogers mine yesterday, in which five miners were killed when an elevator fell.

Glen Rogers lacks telephone and telegraph communication and officials here could only surmise how the fatalities occurred.

"Skip fell in shaft, five men killed," signed by the Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company was the only direct message received here.  County officials at Beckley confirmed the report but know none of the miners names or details.

The Glen Rogers mine is operated on a non-union basis.  Reports that miner faction differences were responsible were emphatically repudiated by company officials here.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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