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Carbon Fuel Company
Rains Mine Explosion

Rains, Carbon County, Utah
September 21, 1924
No. Killed - 5

Five Workers are Reported Entombed by Blast in Utah Coal Mine
Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX
September 22, 1924

Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 21. - Five men are reported to be entombed in the Rains Mine of the Carbon Fuel Company at Rains, near Castle Gate, about 100 miles south of here, as the result of an explosion at 6 o'clock Sunday night.

Although more than 200 men are employed in the mine, only five drill men, who were cutting out work for Monday, were on shift when the explosion occurred, according to meager reports from the mine.

The explosion is said to have occurred in the second left entry way which caved in, leaving the mainway and main entry clear.

Rescue crews from five camps and Spring Canyon, in which the mine is situated, are being sent to the scene.  It is expected the entombed men will be reached in a few hours unless gas or other cave-ins hamper the work.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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