Black Wolf Coal Company Quecreek Mine Inundation and Rescue
Friedens, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
July 24-28, 2002
No. Killed - 0
MSHA Final Investigation Report (7.2 Mb)
Quecreek Fast Facts (CNN)
Quecreek Rescue (Wikipedia)
Executive Summary
Subcommittee Hearing Transcript
Quecreek Mine Accident and Rescue Marker
Location: 40° 4.692′ N, 79° 5.143′ W.
Marker is near Somerset, Pennsylvania, in Somerset County. It is in Lincoln Township. Marker is on Haupt Road (Local Route 623) 0.1 miles west of Somerset Pike (Pennsylvania Route 985), on the right when traveling west. Memorial is about five miles north of the town of Somerset. Marker is at or near this postal address: 151 Haupt Road, Somerset PA 15501
Photographed by William Fischer
Source: The Historical Marker Database
From the Google News Archives:
(news links open in a separate window)
"All Nine Alive!" The story of the Quecreek Mine rescue
Proceed to Chapter One
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 'All Nine Alive!' Staff Reporting and writing
Caroline Abels, Bob Batz, Jr., Michael A. Fuoco, Tom Gibb, John Hayes, L.A. Johnson, Cindi Lash, Steve Levin, Jim McKay, Johnna A. Pro, Milan Simonich, Anita Srikameswaran
Additional Quecreek Mine Inundation Resources:
Audio Files