Lehigh Valley Coal Company Prospect Colliery Explosion
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
February 17, 1915
No. Killed - 13
1915 Pennsylvania Annual Report Description(1.8 Mb)
See more Lehigh Valley Coal Company DisastersDescription: At about noon on February 17, 1915 a gas explosion occurred in Chamber No. 3, No. 12 East Lift off No. 10 slope Red Ash Seam, Oakwood shaft workings of the Prospect Colliery. Eight men were instantly killed and five others so seriously injured and burned that they died at the hospital within 30 hours after the explosion. Three others were slightly injured, but have since recovered.
List of Dead in Disaster at Lehigh Valley Coal Reaches 12
Altoona Miner, Pennsylvania
February 18, 1915
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Feb. 18. -- Four more lives were claimed today by the gas explosion yesterday afternoon in the Prospect Colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, bringing the total list of dead to twelve. Two miners are dying at the City hospital, and one man is yet unaccounted for. All the others escaped injury.