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Prockter Coal Company
Prockter Mine Electrocution

Amherstdale, Logan County, West Virginia
November 4, 1917
No. Killed - 4

Wheeling Intelligencer News Article  (2.6 Mb) PDF Format
Harold Hamilton, Isaac Walker, J. M. Bear and Wingfield Enochs, Americans, outside laborers, were electrocuted at Procktor Mine of the Procktor Coal Company.  These men, together with three others, were changing the electric wires from a temporary substation to a permanent rotary substation which had just been completed.

In stretching the necessary connecting wires they allowed the line to swing to such an extent that it came in contact with the high voltage wires of the Logan County Light and Power Company, carrying 11,000 volts, killing four instantly and badly burning the others.  Source document.
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Violent and Deadly
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