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Pittston Coal Company
Old Forge Colliery Explosion

Avoca, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
September 29, 1930
No. Killed - 4

USBM Final Investigation Report  (9.4 Mb) PDF Format

A local gas explosion occurred in three chambers of the first right rock tunnel section of this mine.

As a result of the gas ignition, at least two kegs, or portions of kegs, of black blasting powder were exploded.

Three men were killed instantly by violence, and another died two days later in the hospital.  Three others were seriously injured as a result of this explosion.

The deceased:
  • Amelio Bonfilio, 47
  • Robert Brunnetti, 30
  • Adelphio Ercoli, 31
  • Marcellis Monacelli, 35
  • Wasil Barilla, 39
  • Joseph Brazacio, 32
  • Razni Eltor, 32
Source: Pennsylvania Anthracite Mine Accidents, 1924-1932 PDF Format
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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