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Moffat Coal Company
Oak Hills No. 2 Mine Explosives Detonation

Oak Creek, Routt County, Colorado
February 12, 1921
No. Killed - 5

Colorado Final Investigation Report  (536 Kb) PDF Format
1921 Colorado Coal Mine Fatalities  (2.9 Mb) PDF Format

Cause of Explosion: Blown-out shot of black powder.

The deceased:
  • Edward Hamidy, Italian, hoistman, experience 2 years, age 21 years, single
  • Sam Patrick, American, miner, experience 22 years, age 35 years, married, three children
  • Weaver Sharp, American, miner, experience 24 years, age 36 years, married, one child
  • Celestin Testas, French, shot firer, experience 19 years, age 31 years, married, two children
  • Hy Wagner, American, shot firer, experience 28 years, age 60 years, single
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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