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National Fuel Company
Monarch No. 2 Mine Explosion

Broomfield, Broomfield County, Colorado
January 20, 1936
No. Killed - 8

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.8 Mb) PDF Format

Crews Find Five Victims of Blast
Twin Falls Daily News, Idaho
January 22, 1936

Louisville, Colo., Jan. 21 (AP) -- With five bodies located little hope was left tonight in this mining community that the three other victims of yesterday's explosion in the Monarch coal mine might be found alive.

There was still a possibility, however, that Mine Boss Steve Davis, who, was believed to have been well in advance of the others, may have been able to seal himself up in a room where ventilators still supplied fresh air.  Davis' duties required him to precede the miners into the passageways, to determine that the air was free from dangerous gas.

Bodies of Tom Stevens, Ray Bailey and Oscar Baird were located today.  Those of Kester Novinger and Leland Ward were brought out shortly after midnight.

Rescue parties still were pushing through masses of debris seeking Joe Jaramillo, mule driver, Toney DeSantis and Davis.

With the cause of the explosion still a mystery, Sheriff George Richart of Boulder offered the suggestion that the collision of two motor cars may have caused the spark that set off explosive gas that had accumulated in the passageways.

The deceased:
  • Ray Bailey, Day Man, 26
  • Oscar Baird, Motorman, 33
  • Steve Davis, Fire Boss, 44
  • Anthony DeSantis, Shot Firer, 38
  • Joe Jaramillo, Stable Boss, 49
  • Kester Novinger, Day Man, 34
  • Tom Stevens, Night Boss, 33
  • Leland Ward, Day Man, 39
Source: Colorado Mining Fatalities, 1844-1981 PDF Format
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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