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Mallory Coal Company
Mallory No. 3 Mine Roof Fall Disaster

Mallory, Logan County, West Virginia
May 22, 1920
No. Killed - 5

Bureau of Mines Investigation Report PDF Format
While engaged in construction work at Mallory Mine No. 3, the Superintendent and four laborers were instantly killed by a fall of rock and dirt just inside the main entrance.

Four Men Killed in Mine in Logan County
Hinton Daily News, Hinton, West Virginia
May 22, 1920

Four men, one of them a prominent West Virginia coal operator were killed, and five others were injured, two seriously Friday afternoon nineteen miles north of Logan, when they were buried under an avalanche of slate.

W. R. Davis, brother of T. B. Davis, president of the Island Creek Coal Company, was killed almost instantly long with three mine laborers.

Davis was superintendent in charge of a new shaft opening of the Mallory Coal Company at the head of Big Bluff Creek, nineteen miles north of Logan and almost as far from the nearest mark of civilization.

According to meager reports the mine opening had been made but supports had not been placed.  A heavy rain drove the men into the mouth of the shaft.

Two tons of slate crashed from the roof directly upon the unprotected men the mine sheltered burying them under the debris and crushing them almost beyond recognition.

When help finally arrived the bodies were dug from under the slate and two of them, who had been caught under only the edge of it, were found to be alive.  They were rushed to a Logan hospital.

The bodies of the four men who met their death in the mine were also taken to Logan.  The three men who were not seriously injured were removed to shelters near the mine mouth.  The body of Davis was shipped to Elkins.

Davis was prominent in West Virginia mining circles.  He was formerly connected with the Pond Creek Coal Company leaving his position to go into service with a regiment of engineers during the world war.  He was also at one time with the Solvay Collieries Company.

He was a nephew of the late Henry Gassaway Davis, prominent West Virginian.  He was 48 years did and was not married.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
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