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Finley Coal Company
Finley Mine Explosion

Madisonville, Hopkins County, Kentucky
November 18, 1925
No. Killed - 5

From the National Mine Academy Archives:
News Articles:
News icon image Ludington Daily News, Nov. 19, 1925
News icon image Linton Daily Citizen, Nov. 20, 1925

Mine Explosion at Madisonville; Five Known Dead
Linton Daily Citizen, Linton, Indiana
November 20, 1925

Madisonville, Ky., Nov. 20. -- Seven men were trapped more than 200 feet below ground in a mine explosion at the Finley Coal company, near here, yesterday.  Today the bodies of four of them had been recovered, the fate of one was unknown, while two others, brothers of two who died, climbed a 280-foot, ladder to safety and reported the disaster.

Mine officials expressed the opinion that a "windy or delayed shot," believed to have been set off by two negroes, caused the explosion.

Fire Followed Explosion

Fire broke out immediately following the explosion and burned fiercely most of the day.  Rescue workers today said, however, that they had succeeded in sealing the blaze in and had it under control.

The known dead, all of Madisonville, are: Rolla Vaugh, 32 years old, Harold Vaugh, 16; Charles Vick, 26, negro, and Allen Day, 20.

Hope of rescuing Antonio Chortina, 35 years old, of Kansas, an Italian, has been abandoned because the mine is still ablaze near where his body is believed to be.

Editor's Note:  The date of this accident is uncertain.  According to the CDC/NIOSH list, it's November 13; the news articles indicate it should be November 19; and the Kentucky Mining Accidents, 1864-2006 list these fatalities on November 18.  The MSHA Fatality Archive Database also indicates November 18.

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