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C. C. B. Smokeless Coal Company
East No. 5 Mine Explosion

Stotesbury, Raleigh County, West Virginia
December 27, 1929
No. Killed - 2

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Successful Rescue

12 miners were rescued from behind a barricade three hours after an explosion in the East No. 5 mine in Stotesbury, West Virginia.  Two miners were killed in the incident.  Source document PDF Format

A local explosion in East No. 5 mine of the C. C. B. Smokeless Coal Company, Stotesbury, W. Va., December 27, 1929, caused the death of two men.

Twelve men, including an assistant foreman, were working in a section of the mine inby the explosion zone.  These men felt the wave of air created by the explosion and, led by the foreman, promptly gathered material and barricaded themselves in a region near the faces of the entry by erecting two canvas stoppings.

After about 3 hours ventilation was reestablished, and they were found by a rescue party.  These men used excellent judgment, inasmuch as they placed their brattices in locations that gave a maximum volume of pure air behind the barricade; in addition, the physical conditions of the region outby the two brattices they erected were such as naturally to short circuit any ventilation currents that might bring poisonous gases toward the barricade.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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