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Woodward Iron Company
Dolomite No. 1 Mine Explosion

Dolomite, Jefferson County, Alabama
January 10, 1923
No. Killed - 5

(From Bureau of Mines Report, by J. J. Forbes)

A local gas explosion occurred when a night track crew went into an entry before the fireboss had inspected it.  Gas had accumulated, because a door had been left open, and the gas was ignited by their open lights.  The five men in the crew were killed by burns and afterdamp.  Smoke was noted in the return air, and four firebosses investigated and found the bodies.  There was little violence, and the explosion did not propagate.

The deceased:
  • Robert Jiles
  • Frank Lewis
  • Dan McCann
  • John Mins
  • Zollie White
Source: Alabama Mining Accidents, 1891-1999 PDF Format
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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