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Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company
Docena Mine Explosion

Adamsville, Jefferson County, Alabama
June 4, 1941
No. Killed - 5

USBM Final Investigation Report  (3.1 Mb) PDF Format

See also: Docena Mine Explosion, Dec. 31, 1921

From the Google News Archives: External Link
(news links open in a separate window)

(From Bureau of Mines Report, by E. A. Anundsen)

A local explosion occurred at 11:20 a.m. while the day shift of 432 men was in the mine.  A crew of 14 men was working in the faces of 1st northwest entry and aircourse.  A crosscut at face of the entry was being driven toward the aircourse and was being drilled after undercutting when methane was ignited by the drill switch.

Coal dust was raised, and the explosion traveled about 500 feet through the entry and the right and left aircourses, before it was stopped by rock dust and pools of water.

The men at the aircourse face were uninjured and escaped, the 3 men in the crosscut were killed, and 4 others in the entry were seriously injured; 2 died later.  Nine others had lesser injuries.  The section foreman rescued some of the victims and directed movement of uninjured men from the section.  Help arrived, and all the injured men and the bodies were removed within 3 hours.

Forces were light, and almost no damage was done to the workings.  Methane accumulated because of lifting of curtains to move them and to load out rock from brushing as well as other interruptions preceding the ignition.  The face boss was not familiar with the use of a flame safety lamp, and regular examinations were not made as the work progressed.

The deceased:
  • William Hamilton, 40
  • Henry Grady Myers, 41
  • John Walter, 44
  • Carl Wolfe, 22
  • Robert Butler, 62
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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