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Black Star Coal Corporation
Dixie Star Mine Explosion

Alva, Harlan County, Kentucky
October 3, 1942
No. Killed - 4

The Times, Munster, Indiana, Oct. 5, 1942 PDF Format
An explosion occurred in this mine resulting in the loss of 4 lives.  The explosion was caused by the ignition of an accumulation of gas.  The gas which accumulated and was responsible for the explosion, apparently seeped through a test hole drilled from the face of 2 butt entry into old workings of 2 butt, 2 face north.  Of the four men killed, all were burned to some extent.

The deceased:
  • Clifford Arvil Fore, 24
  • John Lee, 44
  • Dewey Profitt, 36
  • Luther Thompson, 51
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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