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Iowa Coal Company of Chicago
Cedar Mines Explosives Detonation

Albia, Monroe County, Iowa
February 14, 1893
No. Killed - 1

In the News
News icon Democrat and Chronicle, Feb. 16, 1893  PDF Format
News icon The Oskaloosa Herald, Oskaloosa, Iowa, Feb. 23, 1893  PDF Format
The Deceased:
  • Joseph Gallagher
The Injured:
  • Cal Anderson
  • John Dennis
  • Samuel Hopkins
  • Thomas Irwin
  • George Johnson
  • Charles Long
  • Ben Weir
  • David Wolf
  • Robert Woods
Source: Iowa Mine Accident Index  PDF Format

No record was found in the MSHA Fatality Archive Database, and the CDC/NIOSH Disaster List incorrectly indicates 8 deaths were attributed to this accident.

Catastrophe in Iowa
Logansport Reporter, Indiana
February 16, 1893

Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 16. -- By an explosion of dust ignited by a shot in the Cedar Mines, 2 miles from Albia, Wednesday, one man, Joseph Gallagher, was killed and ten others seriously burned in their faces and hands, and as many more received lesser wounds.  About one hundred men were in the mines at the time, and but for the fact that they were close to the cold-air shaft many would have been killed.

The man who fired the shot, Joseph Gallagher, was beheaded by the explosion, and the coal dust igniting, shot a flame for 100 feet above, throwing all the miners within that distance to the floor, rendering some unconscious.

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