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Pacific Coast Coal Company
Cannon Mine Inundation

Franklin, King County, Washington
February 16, 1914
No. Killed - 1

Report of the State Inspector of Coal Mines  (3.2 Mb) PDF Format
Related news articles  (1.2 Mb) PDF Format
Washington Mining Fatalities 1885-1960 PDF Format

Successful Rescue

Andrew Churnick, 50, was killed by an inrush of water and gravel in No. 11 chute on the water level in the Gem seam.  His body was recovered 4 days later near the first crosscut in the No. 12 chute.  His partner, Mike Bobchurnick, was rescued after being imprisoned for 7 days near the 6th crosscut in the same chute.

Note: The names of the two miners identified in the annual report excerpt differ greatly from those described in the news articles.

Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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