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Buffalo Mining Company
No. 8-B Mine Fire

Saunders, Logan County, West Virginia
December 12, 1968
No. Killed - 3

USBM Final Investigation Report  (1.1 Mb) PDF Format
More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format
In the News
News icon The Cincinnati Post, Dec. 13, 1968 PDF Format
News icon The Cumberland News, Dec. 14, 1968 PDF Format

A fire occurred at a belt-conveyor that was installed at a point about 80 feet outby survey station spad No. 323 in No. 4 entry, No. 1 section, 8-B JR portal of the 8-B Mine.

The fire was initiated when a short circuit occurred at a temporary splice in the power cable to the belt feeder.

Hydraulic oil, preheated, and escaping under pressure from ruptured hoses, and other combustible materials were ignited as a result of the electric arcing.

Nine men were underground, six escaped unharmed but the other three were overcome with smoke and fumes inby the fire area.
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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