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Mine Disasters in the United States

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Bogle Coal Company
Bogle No. 3 Mine Explosion

Jacksonville, Switzerland County, Indiana
December 3, 1919
No. Killed - 6

Six Killed!
Washington Gazette, Indiana
December 5, 1919

Clinton, Ind., Dec. 3. -- Six men were killed and three seriously injured in an explosion at the Bogle Coal Mine No. 3 at Jacksonville late today.  All of the men were either mine officers or employees in the office of the company, who, in attempting to get out coal to maintain fires under the boilers, set off a badly prepared blast.

The mine has been closed because of the strike.

The dead are:
  • John Stark, of Terre Haute
  • Herbert Campbell, of Clinton
  • Joe Robertson, of Clinton, all the above office men
  • F. G. Stephens, of Terre Haute, civil engineer
  • Charles Watson, of Clinton, assistant mine boss
  • John Logsdon, of Terre Haute, room boss
The mine was not badly damaged by the explosion, it was said, and little difficulty was encountered in removing the injured and the bodies of the dead.
Possible Errors
Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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