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Betty B. Coal Company
Betty B. No. 2 Mine Roof Fall

Herald, Dickenson County, Virginia
February 3, 1966
No. Killed - 3

USBM Final Investigation Report  (389 Kb) PDF Format
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Virginia Cave-In Claims 3 Miners
Charleston Daily Mail, West Virginia
February 4, 1966

Nora, Va. (AP) -- Three miners were killed Thursday when they were buried by a collapsing roof deep in the narrow corridors of a southwest Virginia drift mine.

A fourth miner was injured but three others escaped when tons of slate tumbled down, three miles from the entrance of the Betty Bee Coal Company mine.

Killed in the collapse were:
  • Marvin Baker, 21
  • Cecil Baker, 25, cousins
  • Avery Rose, 31, a miner who had worked for the firm only 45 days, the father of four children
The mine, once operated by the Blue Diamond Coal Company, closed in 1954, and reopened four years ago and was completely mechanized.
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Violent and Deadly
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