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Pennsylvania Coal Company
Barnum Mine Cave-in

Pittston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
January 5, 1918
No. Killed - 2

More Double and Triple Fatality Mining Accidents PDF Format
News Clipping:
The Evening News, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Jan. 5, 1918

Successful Rescue

Two cave-ins caused by pillar robbing, covering approximately 5 acres, occurred at the Erie Mining / Pennsylvania Coal Company s Barnum Mine near Duryea, Pennsylvania trapped more than 100 men underground for a period.  Two men were killed and 15 injured.  Five of the men were rescued 10 hours after the accident.  Thomas Huntley, who won the Carnegie Hero Medal for a mine rescue at the PCC No. 14 mine in 1907, lead one of the rescue parties that brought the missing men to the surface.  Source: Anthracite Heritage Foundation.  Source document PDF Format

The deceased:
  • Frank Cicoski, 24
  • Steve Javatch, 48
Source: Pennsylvania Anthracite Mine Accidents, 1914-1923 PDF Format
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