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Mount Pleasant Mining Company
Fleischner Mine Asphyxiations

Terra Haute, Vigo County, Indiana
August 11, 1944
No. Killed - 4

Accident Investigation Report  (1.9 Mb) PDF Format
Linton Daily Citizen, August 14, 1944

Five men, employed by the Mount Pleasant Mining Company, were overcome by black damp, four of them fatally and the fifth was injured, when they were lowered in a cage to the bottom of the abandoned Fleischner mine.  The men were employees of a cooperative organization and were going to inspect the mine with the possibility of leasing it and again putting it in operation.

The deceased:
  • Haskell Brown
  • Raymond Tryon
  • Cyril Vermillion
  • Hewitt W. Stout
  • Charles Lawson, 68
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Violent and Deadly
Explosives Disasters

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