united states mine rescue association
This Week in West Virginia History Audio Files
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Massey Energy Company
Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion

Montcoal, Raleigh County, WV
April 5, 2010
No. Killed - 29

Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion 1
Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion 2
10-Year Anniversary Podcast
13th Anniversary


Anker West Virginia Mining Co., Inc.
Wolf Run Mining Company
Sago Mine Explosion

Tallmansville, Upshur County, WV
January 2, 2006
No. Killed - 12

Sago Mine Explosion
18th Anniversary

Mountaineer Coal Company
Division of Consolidation Coal Co.
Consol No. 9 Mine Explosion

Farmington, Marion County, WV
November 20, 1968
No. Killed - 78

About the Farmington Disaster

About Tony Boyle, UMWA President


Buffalo Mining Company
Retaining Dam Collapse
No. 5 Preparation Plant
Division of the Pittston Company

Saunders, Logan County, WV
February 26, 1972
No. Killed - 125

Buffalo Creek Retaining Dam Collapse


Consolidation Coal Company
Blacksville No. 1 Mine Fire

Blacksville, Monongalia County, WV
July 22, 1972
No. Killed - 9

Blacksville No. 1 Mine Fire


Christopher Coal Company
Christopher No. 3 Mine Explosion

Osage, Monongalia County, WV
May 12, 1942
No. Killed - 56

Christopher No. 3 Mine Explosion


The Hawk's Nest Tunnel Incident
Gauley Bridge, Fayette County, WV
1930 and 1931

Hawk's Nest Tunnel Incident


Pond Creek Pocahontas Coal Co.
Bartley No. 1 Mine Explosion

Bartley, McDowell County, WV
January 10, 1940
No. Killed - 91

Bartley No. 1 Mine Explosion


Fairmont Coal Company
Monongah Mine Explosion

Monongah, Marion County, WV
December 6, 1907
No. Killed - 362

Monongah Mine Explosion


Rush Run - Red Ash Mine Explosions
Red Ash, Fayette County, WV
March 18 & 19, 1905
No. Killed - 24

Rush Run - Red Ash Mine Explosions


Wheeling Steel Corporation
Benwood Mine Explosion

Benwood, Marshall County, WV
April 28, 1924
No. Killed - 119

Benwood Mine Explosion


Gauley Coal and Coke Company
Saxsewell No. 8 Mine Inundation

Hominy Falls, Nicholas County, WV
May 6, 1968
No. Killed - 4

Saxsewell No. 8 Mine Inundation


The National Mine Health and Safety Academy opened on August 17, 1976 in Beaver, WV.
National Mine Health and Safety Academy

National Mine Health and Safety Academy


On December 30, 1969, President Richard Nixon signed into law the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act.  External Link

Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act