united states mine rescue association
Key Letter Search of All Mine Disasters in the United States

Enter key letters of a mine name:      

Search Tips:  This page enables you to return targeted results from a 980 record datatbase by entering either a complete or partial mine name.  Upper or lower case can be used.  (See screenshot)

You should avoid entering a single letter as this will return all mine disasters with that letter in the mine name.

Caution:  Do not include the words “mine” or “colliery,” such as Sago Mine or Sunshine Mine.  This will normally return “No record found” to your query.

Multiple disasters will be listed in descending fatality order.

Information about additional accidents not part of our database can be found in these pages:
      Mine Disaster Calendar 
Commemorating mine
disasters where 10 or more miners were killed
Successful Mine Rescues
MS Word      Adobe PDF
Over 1,350 rescues located
Incidents of Rescuer Death
MS Word      Adobe PDF
Over 135 incidents located

Search Parameters for ALL Mine Disasters:
Decade  |  Year   |  Month  |  State  |  City and State  |  County  |  Mine Name  |  Company  |  Mineral Type  |  Cause
ALL Coal Mine Disasters ALL M/NM Mine Disasters